
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Superhero Cape

Oh, saw the neatest, simplest thing for kids. They usually borrow my dish towels to tie around their necks, or the old baby blankets, when they want a cape. It's usually a superhero game or whatnot. The idea I saw was to simply take large t-shirts that had outlived their shirt life and cut away the front and arms. Basically leaving the neck hole and the back part of the fabric. And best of all, I'd still be able to hang them up in the closet at the end of the day, so that they aren't scattered all over the house. I'll probably give this a try the next time I go through hubby's old clothes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Craft Idea

So I was going to try my hand at knitting shawls for my younger two for Christmas. But honestly, that's going to take too long with the projects that I already have going. So I changed directions for that. Instead, I'm thinking of getting some lightweight fleece and some heavier cotton poly blend, for the different seasons. Then it's a simple pattern to create a fabric shawl. I can add some fringes at the bottom. And I think I will add in a button and buttonhole so that they can keep them on when their hands and arms get to flying around as little children are wont to do.

I'm excited to start this project. But first I need the money to go get the fabric and some corresponding yarn or thread. Buttons as well. They'd have to be fairly big buttons. And choosing the fabric and colors will be important. I know K3 likes green, but I want to incorporate some other colors in there. Until about six months ago, her favorite color was blue. Now it's green. So a little variety won't hurt.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Daughter 2 Sweater Progress

Wow, come a long way on the sweater since the last post. I have the front, back and one sleeve done for the sweater. So it's moving along well. But more importantly than that, I've finally converted said daughter to the use of circular knitting needles. She absolutely loves them now and has even started a blanket project of her own. It's mostly to give her something to do once the extracurricular school stuff starts up. They spend a lot of time on those buses.

I also just today, found an antique dragon motif pattern for crochet or knitting that will work perfectly for another blanket that I am making as a graduation gift. Now I just need to decide the colors on it. The blanket colors are lime green and black. But I was thinking of putting the dragons in gold to help them stand out a little. If not, I might keep the dragons green, but shade the area around them with purple, which is another favored color of the intended recipient. I'll have to do some experimenting with the colors and see what will work. But that, added to the Chinese characters will make it quite the unique blanket. Much like the child himself.

The other exciting thing that I managed to do this summer was learn the Continental style of knitting. That in itself was easy enough. But trying to master the purling took me several days. So quick and easy, that I can't imagine going back to the English style. I tried to convince my daughter, but she wants to master what she knows before she starts learning another style. And I suppose that's fair enough.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Daughter 2's Sweater

Well, while I was on vacation, I vowed to find some complimentary colors so that I could start knitting on daughter number 2's sweater. I figured now was the best time for it, so it would be ready for her extracurricular functions when she wants to look nice and stay warm. The pattern that we chose was set up for a nice boa yarn for the cuffs and neckline accent. But the other yarn was too flashy for her taste. So we got together with my mother and found a gorgeous royal earth boa-like yarn. The colors run from blonde to brown. It goes very well with the tan color we chose for the main body.

I got started on the sweater today, and even though it's less than two inches long so far, it's absolutely beautiful. It's going to look very understated, yet professional and complimentary to her face and coloring when it's done. And of course, she loves it already.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Eldest's Blanket

So I finally got done with the eldest's blanket that I had promised to knit her. It turned out wonderfully. I used the lace and fans pattern. The blanket was supposed to be about four feet long, but I extended that since the pattern was for a baby blanket. But she needs something a little longer.

So I knitted on it until I felt it was the right length for her. I honestly could have done more, but she was getting rather impatient for it. And with my promise to knit a blanket for her boyfriend before he graduates next year, I kind of wanted to get a move on with that one. So here's the result.

And I was very happy, that when I was looking for needles to complete her sweater, I happened upon a great little convenience. I don't know how I managed without it for so long. But I absolutely adore my Norwegian knitting thimble. Makes it all go so much faster!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And done!

Yay. Sat up until one thirty in the morning working on that sweater for the eldest. Still wasn't done, so I put it aside. Picked it up at just after nine this morning. Aside from breakfast, coffee breaks and cuddling the youngest, got it completed, sewn and trimmed up shortly after three. Eldest arrive home from school about 3:40. She was in a crappy mood and storming around the house until she noticed her completed sweater laying on the couch. Then the squeals of happiness were deafening. Tried it on. Loves it. Pictures hopefully to be up soon!

And while we have an idea about what we'd like to do for D2's sweater, I don't have the boa or eyelet yarn. Have a gorgeous stripe yarn goes from pink to gray to black that she likes. But I was kind of thinking of saving that for a prayer shawl for my mother, to match the slippers I made for her. If I want to get more, I'll have to drive two hours one way to get more. Esh! I'll figure it out though. Thankfully D3 wants a straight green sweater. And I have some adorable pastel stripe baby weight for D4's vest. So I have plenty to keep me busy the rest of the year. Not to mention all the blankets!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

So Close to Being Done

... on the sweater that I am knitting for the eldest. I am about two inches away from having to switch to larger needles that I have not purchased yet. Then it will be three inches of rib pattern on the larger needles, bind that off, sew the seams and it's done. My daughter and I are so excited.

And good news, the next sweater project has been lined up. My second eldest has agreed with the pattern that I found. Now we just have to find the colors we like. We'll need a multi-toned yarn that isn't too bright or gaudy for the main body. Then we'll look at some lighter, more feathery yarns to highlight the collar and cuffs. My ideal colors for her would be a soft brown or tan for the body and a honeyed golden yellow for the collar. That would be such a pretty combination to highlight her hair and eyes. And just enough ruffly to make it a little more girly than just a straight sweater. Can't wait to start on it!

Friday, April 27, 2012

More Projects

I am in love with my shawl that I bought with Christmas money this January. It's black and grey woven with fringes along the front. But when I spread it out on the floor to get a good look at it, I realized that I could do something so similar in a knit pattern. So I started doing some scheming. I was thinking of doing a zig zag pattern on a stockinette background. That way I can make a nice border for it. And about midway, because the pattern would have a five stitch border, when it is time to make the front, I can easily break the ten stitch between pattern stitches in half to repeat the edging down the front. I think it will look very nice. I'm planning that in several varieties of green and will maybe expand it for some others.

I was also thinking that I had made a pair of slippers for my mother in her favorite combination of pink, grey and black. I can certainly get some more yarn and make a matching shawl for those cold winter days. I think she would really enjoy that. Who knows, shawls and sweaters for the family this year at Christmas time. Scarves, gloves and slippers for the guys!

So work on the sweater is awesome. I'm halfway done the second sleeve. Still have to get the right size for circular needles. But I expect the cowl will go very fast working in the round as I will. So off to do some more work and more scheming on daughter's boyfriend's grad blanket!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So there's the back piece of the sweater. The front is much the same, but for the raglan sleeve and neckline additions. Can't wait to get started on the sleeves, then the cowl. Will try and get some pics of the blankets I'm working on as well soon.

Progress On Sweater

Well, I completed the back piece. The front of the sweater is almost done. Just need to finish with the second shoulder. And then I can move on to creating the sleeves, which will go along very fast. I realized about half way through the pattern, that I need to go buy some circular needles. Which doesn't bother me. I like having all sorts of different sized needles to experiment with. I'm looking forward to making the cowl. And I just found the other day, a very pretty sweater pattern that I could do for daughter number two. It doesn't have the cowl like this one, but instead some really pretty fluffy collar adornment. And the suggested yarns would look so pretty with that one's eye color and hair combination. I'm thinking of a burned bronze for the sweater with honey brown highlights. I'll have to get to the hobby store with the massive collection of yarns to start checking out combinations. It would be a nice addition to her small collection of "professional" looking clothes, as she calls them. I also found my pattern book with sweaters for little girls. There's a particular vest in plum that the kindergartner wants. So I might work on that when she's in school for a birthday present this fall. And the younger two are clamoring for blankets. Yeah, I think I'm hitting my quotas on projects this year, already!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Back Piece K1 Sweater

So, I've completed the back piece to the sweater that I am making for the eldest. She is naturally thrilled to see that done. I've got a decent start on the front. For some reason, the rib stitching was going very quickly this time around. Possibly because I've been watching videos while I was knitting. There's a fascinating rhythm to get into there. Looking forward to getting that done. Then, I will do the raglan sleeves and the cowl and put it all together.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

K1 Burgundy Sweater

So I did some more work on the eldest's sweater last night. It's still in relatively early stages. The first piece in the pattern is the back. It's in a rib stitch for the first part, with several switches between needle sizes. We're through that and working on a oh-! Just forgot the name of the pattern. Anyway, alternating between knitting one row and then purling the next. Garter stitch? So, have to do that until it measures 14 inches. I'm at 10 and a half inches so far. Then the pattern needs to be expanded.

She saw the pattern in the baby blue that it had displayed for the picture and loved it. She asked for it in burgundy because it'll match her pants and skirt selections better and thinks it would make a nice addition to her more professional looking clothing. I agree, and if I work hard on it over the spring and summer, it will be ready at a perfect time to wear, since it's going to be heavier than just a shirt. Try to get a picture up of it at some point.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

And Yet Another Blog

Okay, so I'm getting blog happy here. But it occurred to me as I was posting last night, that I've taken up a lot of crafty stuff again. I don't consider cooking and baking to be a hobby craft, just a hobby and very necessary thing. But I would, since i have so many projects on the go, keep a record of them. So posts and pictures seemed like a good idea. Also give me an idea of where I am with things. So once I get that organized, I can keep track of it here.