
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And done!

Yay. Sat up until one thirty in the morning working on that sweater for the eldest. Still wasn't done, so I put it aside. Picked it up at just after nine this morning. Aside from breakfast, coffee breaks and cuddling the youngest, got it completed, sewn and trimmed up shortly after three. Eldest arrive home from school about 3:40. She was in a crappy mood and storming around the house until she noticed her completed sweater laying on the couch. Then the squeals of happiness were deafening. Tried it on. Loves it. Pictures hopefully to be up soon!

And while we have an idea about what we'd like to do for D2's sweater, I don't have the boa or eyelet yarn. Have a gorgeous stripe yarn goes from pink to gray to black that she likes. But I was kind of thinking of saving that for a prayer shawl for my mother, to match the slippers I made for her. If I want to get more, I'll have to drive two hours one way to get more. Esh! I'll figure it out though. Thankfully D3 wants a straight green sweater. And I have some adorable pastel stripe baby weight for D4's vest. So I have plenty to keep me busy the rest of the year. Not to mention all the blankets!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

So Close to Being Done

... on the sweater that I am knitting for the eldest. I am about two inches away from having to switch to larger needles that I have not purchased yet. Then it will be three inches of rib pattern on the larger needles, bind that off, sew the seams and it's done. My daughter and I are so excited.

And good news, the next sweater project has been lined up. My second eldest has agreed with the pattern that I found. Now we just have to find the colors we like. We'll need a multi-toned yarn that isn't too bright or gaudy for the main body. Then we'll look at some lighter, more feathery yarns to highlight the collar and cuffs. My ideal colors for her would be a soft brown or tan for the body and a honeyed golden yellow for the collar. That would be such a pretty combination to highlight her hair and eyes. And just enough ruffly to make it a little more girly than just a straight sweater. Can't wait to start on it!