
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Superhero Cape

Oh, saw the neatest, simplest thing for kids. They usually borrow my dish towels to tie around their necks, or the old baby blankets, when they want a cape. It's usually a superhero game or whatnot. The idea I saw was to simply take large t-shirts that had outlived their shirt life and cut away the front and arms. Basically leaving the neck hole and the back part of the fabric. And best of all, I'd still be able to hang them up in the closet at the end of the day, so that they aren't scattered all over the house. I'll probably give this a try the next time I go through hubby's old clothes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Craft Idea

So I was going to try my hand at knitting shawls for my younger two for Christmas. But honestly, that's going to take too long with the projects that I already have going. So I changed directions for that. Instead, I'm thinking of getting some lightweight fleece and some heavier cotton poly blend, for the different seasons. Then it's a simple pattern to create a fabric shawl. I can add some fringes at the bottom. And I think I will add in a button and buttonhole so that they can keep them on when their hands and arms get to flying around as little children are wont to do.

I'm excited to start this project. But first I need the money to go get the fabric and some corresponding yarn or thread. Buttons as well. They'd have to be fairly big buttons. And choosing the fabric and colors will be important. I know K3 likes green, but I want to incorporate some other colors in there. Until about six months ago, her favorite color was blue. Now it's green. So a little variety won't hurt.