
Friday, August 10, 2012

Daughter 2 Sweater Progress

Wow, come a long way on the sweater since the last post. I have the front, back and one sleeve done for the sweater. So it's moving along well. But more importantly than that, I've finally converted said daughter to the use of circular knitting needles. She absolutely loves them now and has even started a blanket project of her own. It's mostly to give her something to do once the extracurricular school stuff starts up. They spend a lot of time on those buses.

I also just today, found an antique dragon motif pattern for crochet or knitting that will work perfectly for another blanket that I am making as a graduation gift. Now I just need to decide the colors on it. The blanket colors are lime green and black. But I was thinking of putting the dragons in gold to help them stand out a little. If not, I might keep the dragons green, but shade the area around them with purple, which is another favored color of the intended recipient. I'll have to do some experimenting with the colors and see what will work. But that, added to the Chinese characters will make it quite the unique blanket. Much like the child himself.

The other exciting thing that I managed to do this summer was learn the Continental style of knitting. That in itself was easy enough. But trying to master the purling took me several days. So quick and easy, that I can't imagine going back to the English style. I tried to convince my daughter, but she wants to master what she knows before she starts learning another style. And I suppose that's fair enough.